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Hi im rosie. Im' tired! (all the time!)

Saturday, December 13, 2008


By Rosalie Severson
Alex listens to a song every day and in the song she hear a voice besides the singer. It calls her name "Alex ALEX!!!!!!!! Where are you Alex! Don't be scared! I'm just coming to get you!!! And her answer is usually is, "Oh it's you again! WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!" That thing replies," Oh Alex, such surprise that you answer like that. No one when I WAS alive answered like that to me. So I ask why do you?" She gave no reply. "Oh, so you just want to die? I can do th-" " No you can't I never said you could!!!!," she screamed. "No reply, no more Alex!! So just how to kill you? Make you jump off a bridge to look like suicide OR stab you in the neck and look like murder. So many choices! She went insane! She went so insane that no one in the town of Deadwood saw her again. Some say she jumped off a bridge. Others say not. But some say they hear the voices of the same song.
Look for the 1st book Hidden, and many more by Rosalie Severson!

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